
Channeled song: Trigger Protection Mantra by Jhéne Aiko

Pulling this card is pretty self-explanatory. It means that you need to pay better attention to the rest that you’re allowing for your body. This is different from the Relaxation card, because that one is referring to giving your mind a break while you are still awake and releasing built-up stress in your body. Rest, on the other hand is all about sleeping properly: prepping your bedroom for sleep by eliminating blue light, stretching/relaxing your body, and feeling safe by locking your doors.


When you pull this card as advice, it probably means that you need to take a nap or just completely go to sleep. Another way this can show up is that you may need to reevaluate your sleep schedule and put more effort into sleeping intentionally. Something about your sleeping habits needs your attention.

Journal prompt

  1. What is your current sleep schedule like?

  2. Do you feel comfortable and safe while you’re sleeping?

  3. Why or why not?

  4. What are your dreams like when you sleep?

  5. Do you enjoy them?

  6. Is there anything stressful about your sleeping situation? If so, why does it bother you?

  7. What are your goals for sleeping?



