
Channeled song: I Don’t Do Drugs by Doja Cat

Trigger warning: The journal prompt for this card is going to push you to evaluate your psychological processes related to sex. If you have been SA’d, I think that you should proceed with caution because thinking back to these times can be very upsetting and triggering. Please take care of yourself—I love you <3

Sex is a lot similar to the Creativity card because it’s inherently the same energy—activation of the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is located in the middle of your hips, and is associated with creativity, happiness, fun, and sex. If you’d like another parallel to this energy, you would find it in the 5th house of your birth chart. The 5th house is all about creative projects, children, and sex—sound familiar?

The act of sex itself is pretty sacred. It’s where humanity begins and it can also be a way to express ourselves or our connection to our partners. Everyone has a different relationship with sex, although society has a huge influence on the lens in which we view it. From this, harmful theologies such as slut shaming have arisen. It is both popular and taboo to enjoy sex—especially if you identify as a woman. There’s a very thin line between being “hot” or “sexy” and being a “slut” in the eyes of society.

This card is meant to address a lot of these thought patterns. It’s very easy to internalize societal pressures to either end of sexual activity: whether you’re completely celibate or unapologetically sexually active.

Pulling this card means that sex is significant at this time. It may be your relationship with sex itself, your actual sex life, or what sex means to you. When this card pops up, it’s time to do some evaluation of those things using the journal prompt.


Getting sex as advice is very self-explanatory—have some fun! You can get comfortable with your body and go solo or if you have a partner that you trust, explore as much as you desire.  

Journal prompt

  1. What is your relationship like to sex?

  2. How has it changed?

  3. How does sex make you feel emotionally?

  4. Is there a distinct sexual encounter that has influenced your ability to enjoy sex?

  5. Are you comfortable with exploring yourself sexually?

  6. Why or why not?

  7. What has been ingrained in your mind when it comes to sex?

  8. Who or what is responsible for this mindset?

  9. Do you agree with it?

  10. How can you improve your relationship to sex?

  11. What are some things that you need from a partner in order to properly enjoy sexual activity with them?



