meet Destiny Jenae’

i don’t think you’ll meet anyone more obsessed with astrology than i am. or anyone who enjoys working as much as i do.

i’ve been in love with space and science since i was a little kid. before i could even read, i was singing along to children’s songs about space in the car with my family. i vividly remember being 4 or 5 years old later on and obsessively reading this “children’s planet collection” book on Uranus and all of its components. there was a feeling in my chest that i’d soon have a name for. but at that age, i just knew it was something i really liked. by the time i was 9, i was going through a very ugly parental custody battle and out of self-soothing, i would stay up until daylight watching space documentaries on the weekends.

when i was 18, i was comparing my birth chart to my first boyfriend and my obsession to learn more about astrology grew exponentially as i experienced life. by the time i was 20 years old, i was collecting the astrological data of every single person in my life—in the name of astrological observation. i didn’t know it at the time, but i was learning how astrology shows up in real life, as a tangible and obvious component within everyone i knew, including myself.

i knew i truly loved astrology when i found myself staring at charts no matter the mood i was in (and i’m pretty damn moody—it’s the Pisces moon). at some of the best and worst times in my life, i was checking for the astrology and reading more about it. i don’t get tired of it and i don’t really know why.

when i was 21, i realized that i spent so much time doing readings for my friends and honestly, anyone who was willing to give me their birthday and listen to what i had to say, that i created a website called i also created a TikTok called @desstrology, and thus the passionate readings that i offered to people i knew in real life quickly became the business of my dreams. i’m 23 now and the passion only grows. i eventually created the 2024 Astrology Planner, which is a calendar of all the daily “astrology weather,” which also teaches you astrology through the lens in which i learned it—real people with real lives. its sister, the Astrology Observation Journal, utilizes some of the very same techniques i use to observe the astrology of my own life and that of my clients’.

as much as i love astrology, it is not the only thing i am or that i love. i also love working out and experiencing fitness—i attended my very first yoga class when i was 13 years old, and i simply never stopped. i became an instructor for yoga and a weight training class when i was 17, and that’s a passion that has stuck with me for quite some time.

i also love writing. when i was 11 years old, i used to write pages and pages of stories and post them online under a pen name. Books-A-Million was my favorite place to exist (and still is). i blame that on the Venus/Mercury conjunction in my Aries 9th house. beauty, makeup, hair, self-care, and all the girly things about life are also right up my alley. there’s nothing better than putting a nice look together—that’s definitely my Leo rising/Taurus sun talking.

although i’m pretty young, i’ve gone through a great deal of trauma throughout my entire life that you won’t hear me talking about very much unless it’s on the wisdom i have gained through said experiences. i’m more of the “suffer and then heal” in silence type. that’s definitely my Pisces moon in the 8th, trine my North Node in my Cancer 12th house. i once got a therapist and she literally said to me, “Destiny, it sounds like you’ve done a lot of healing on yourself already.” i have a pretty escapist personality, so i do my best to channel that into positivity—writing, reading, learning about my hobbies, and creating.

i started reading tarot at the age of 20 and i haven’t looked back since. this love for divination led me to create my Undone Oracle Deck. i made it because i wanted to re-introduce myself to art again, while also creating something that would spiritually heal myself and others through its usage.

i simply love what i do. and you.

stay a while! <3