
Channeled song: Magic Hour by Jhéne Aiko

Meditation has a huge reputation behind it. Some people are absolutely addicted to it, while others find their minds too loud to enjoy it.

 Meditation, itself, is the act of focusing on your breath. Most often, this is achieved through performing deep/slow breaths into the belly in a dark and quiet setting. You can meditate while standing up, sitting down, or laying down.

It really helps you to get in touch with your higher self. Meditation is scientifically proven to improve sleep patterns, brain function, and overall quality of life.

You’ll notice that in this card, Avelie has balls of energy that she is controlling with her hands. The reason I drew the image this way is because my hands often tingle when I meditate, and this is what I envision when I’m in that deep state of mind. That those orbs are balls of energy that are connected to my livelihood. I can stretch them around me and my aura for protection, or I can focus in on them and think about my manifestations. You can mentally send rejuvenating energy to them, too.

It’s easier to hear your own intuition when you meditate regularly. You’ll notice that it’s much easier to make decisions. Don’t be fooled into thinking that meditation has to be this “perfect” experience in order for you to reap the benefits. You don’t have to do it for more than two minutes if you don’t want to. Just focus on your breathing, and your mind will calm down eventually.  

Your only job during meditation is to focus on your breath. Everything else in your meditative experience will fall into place in just the way it is meant to.


When you pull Meditation as an advice card, it means that you need to improve your relationship to meditation. Or that you need to meditate in general. It’s pretty easy to feel that meditation is a chore, so try to make it as easily accessible as possible. If you want to start meditating in the mornings, you can try to focus on your breath without even leaving your bed. Be careful with this, though, because it’s easy to drift back into sleep. I’ve been successful with this before, though.  

Journal prompt 

  1. Do you meditate? If you do, how often do you do it?

  2. How does meditation feel for you? Does that feeling vary?

  3. Do you enjoy meditating?

  4. Is there anything you want to change about your meditative experiences?

  5. How can you improve your meditations?

  6. Have you ever had an intense experience while meditating? If so, what was it like?




