
Channeled song: Nail Tech by Jack Harlow 

When you pull this card, it means that work is prevalent in your life right now. It could be a new job opportunity popping up, a job experience ending, or just a new opportunity for you to work in a way that pleases you. Your work ethic is also being highlighted right now.
Work is quite a polarizing word. Some people associate working with suffering and having a hard time. Other people associate work with creativity, expansion, and alignment. I think this depends on whether or not you are operating in survival mode or not. And don’t get me wrong—survival mode is a very natural state to be in. Survival mode represents doing what you have to do to survive and have your essentials—paying your bills, having food on the table, etc. Some of us stay in survival mode long after we have become financially stable. The idea of going to work and looking at our bank accounts can still make us anxious.

Working from a place of alignment and genuine fulfillment in what you do is most definitely a privilege, but it is a privilege that you deserve to have. Everyone does. The only way to make it out of survival mode is to shift your attitude about money and working. Know that you are worthy of what you want, no matter where you come from. Working from a place of gratitude for all that you have and wonder for where you will go is necessary, whether you’re working a stepping-stone job or you’re in your dream career. Both of them are just as important to your journey, and you should treat them as such.


If you pull this card as advice, it’s time to reevaluate what work means to you. Focusing your energy on work right now will benefit you in the long run.

Journal prompt

  1. What do you do for work?

  2. Do you enjoy it?

  3. What does work mean to you?

  4. If you could do your favorite thing in the world and get paid for it as a job/career, what would you do?

  5. Why?

  6. Is there any way that you can incorporate your favorite things/interests into your current job / life path?

  7. Why or why not?

  8. What are your biggest goals when it comes to work?




