
Channeled quote: “Observe, don’t absorb. You are not your thoughts.” 

When I meditate, I often picture myself a lot like Avelie in this card: relaxing in a warm, pretty field as each thought is pulled away like a cloud being pushed by wind. Thoughts come and go. I don’t get attached to them or the overthinking that follows as I start to quiet my mind.

A revelation that came to me from meditation a while ago is that there is always going to be something to worry about. There’s no point stressing about the Worry of the Week when there are so many more permanent, good things to focus on instead. Like having good health. A warm home. Passions that make you happy. People that contribute to your happiness. Music that you love. These are things that are easy to take for granted when you’re chasing that next train of thought.


When you get this card as advice, it means that it’s time to detach from something. It could be a relationship, a person, or a thought pattern. Stand on your own and observe for a bit.

Journal prompt

  1. What do you need to detach from/what is bothering you right now?

  2. How is it influencing you? Your mind? Body? Environment? Emotions?

  3. Why?

  4. How can you detach?




Mental health