
Channeled song: successful by Ariana Grande 

Success is an accumulation of achievements. Society has conditioned us to believe that success only produces money, status, and material things. That’s not true. Success is feeling content and happy in the work that you have done. The child you’ve just birthed. The relationship you have with your family.

It’s the ability to be proud of yourself, and that is not limited to any one subject.

It’s very easy to find yourself competing with other people, because society and a lot of the music we listen to often talks about that “number one spot.” But the truth is, there is SO much room at the top. Everyone can experience abundance in so many different ways. When you truly believe that you are special and have so much to offer, you won’t get distracted by the idea of being better than anyone else. What you offer is unique and something that only you can provide. And honestly, if you need to pull others down or compare yourself to others in order to feel worthy or more powerful, that’s not true success. Movies like “Mean Girls” are to blame for that kind of thinking. It’s entertaining, yes, but it’s not real life. 


When you pull this card as advice, it means that you better celebrate! Success is coming to you, or you might have just accomplished a big win! You should be proud!

Journal prompt

  1. What does success mean to you?

  2. Are you successful?

  3. What are your current goals?

  4. What are your long-term goals?

  5. How can you feel successful in your everyday life?

  6. What is the most successful version of yourself like?

  7. What can you do to be more like them?



