
Channeled song: Energy by Tyla Jane

Transmutation is the act of taking one thing and turning it into another thing. Energetically, it means that we take negative energy and transform it into positive energy. We take the lemons that life has given us and we make some damn good lemonade.

Everyone has the power to do this. Your circumstances do not dictate what your life is going to look like in the future. There is more for you, I promise. I’m living proof.

You can transmute energy through all types of mediums. I sing, a LOT. I do yoga, cook, work out, meditate, write affirmations on my mirror with markers, watch uplifting TikToks, journal, make positive content with the lessons I learned from negative experiences, and so much more. The best glow ups come from breakups & other experiences that we see as “setbacks.”


Pulling this card when asking for advice means that there’s some negative energy that can be purified and channeled into something else. I often recite this prayer:

“God, thank you for purifying all negative energy that is within me and being sent to me. And charging it with the frequency of financial abundance and security. Amen.”

Journal prompt

  1. What is bothering you right now?

  2. Why?

  3. What are you learning from it?

  4. How can you make this situation work for you? (Which negative energy can you manipulate into being positive and benefitting you?)

  5. Why?


Mental health

