Romantic love

Channeled song: west side by Ariana Grande

When you pull this card, it means topics of romantic love in your own life are ready to be explored. Whether this is a breakup that needs processing or a new love interest, it’s time to start thinking about your past and future experiences in love. 


This is your sign to open yourself up to love again. It doesn’t matter if you’ve always had tumultuous relationships or if you’ve been in the same loving relationship for 6 years. You deserve love no matter what you’ve been through. The kind that is stable, safe, protective, and healthy. Not codependent.

There is someone out there who is going to love and accept you no matter what. Someone who is praying to meet someone like you. Never settle for someone who isn’t exactly what you want and need. And never be afraid to ask for what you deserve.

Also: your soulmate would treat you right the first time.

Journal prompt

  1. Do you feel worthy of being loved?

  2. Why or why not?

  3. What is your ideal partner like?

  4. What are your requirements for being in a relationship? Marriage?

  5. Who do you want to show up as in your relationships?


Higher self


Shadow side