

Channeled songs: 7 rings


A lot of us have limiting beliefs surrounding money. People have told us that people who have lots of money are evil. That you have to work hard or do criminal activities to get it. None of those things are true. 

Money is simply energy. Just like power, the connotation of it belongs to its beholder. The same way that Pluto in astrology is not a “malefic” or bad planet—it just represents power. The intentions of whoever wields that power is where things start to differ.

Money is the source of lots of crime and negative energy, the same way that money has been used to bless people with the ability to achieve an education and other amazing experiences. You deserve to have money.

Contrary to popular belief, working hard is not the only way to gain money. Investing in your financial knowledge, in yourself, and in your awareness of your habits is an amazing gateway to making more money. You don’t have to work yourself to the bone to be worthy of the money it takes to simply survive. That is a limiting belief taught to us by society. This belief can stifle your own sense of wonder and creativity. Take a chance on yourself and think outside of the box.


When you get this card as advice, it means your thought process concerning money needs some adjusting. If you grew up in an environment where money was scarce, spending it can give you anxiety. Adjusting yourself to an abundance mindset is really helpful, but I’m a bit biased to that because it’s what has worked for me.

This card can also come up when you need to apply a bit more financial planning and budgeting into your life. Just because you have an increase in money doesn’t mean you have to spend all of it.


Journal prompt

 1. If you could do any job in the world and get paid millions for it, what would you do? What’s your dream career?

2. Why are you or aren’t you open to doing that?

3. Where do your beliefs in money come from?

4. Do you believe you are worthy of having a lot of money?

5. What do you think of the people who do have a lot of money?

6. Why?

7. What should you implement in your own finances to improve your relationship to money?

8. What are your financial goals?

9. What are the steps you are taking to achieve these goals?



