
Channeled song: gracias a la vida by Kacey Musgraves

There’s actually a lot of symbolism in this card. If you notice, the moon has this blush pink glow about it. Avelie is dressed in a fancy gown in this photo, basking in the presence of moon on the balcony. She is also glowing with that same pink aura. Her dress is pink as well, and her hair is Undone.

This symbolizes the fact that the things that inspire us are only lighting up what was already within us. It’s why I chose this card to be the cover of the deck. My deck is only lighting up the healing and high vibration that you already had access to. I’m just unraveling some of the programming that got in the way of that.

The channeled song, gracias a la vida, means “thank you to life” in Spanish. It’s a very beautiful song and Kacey did an amazing cover of it. Inspiration is the precursor to inspired action, which leads to passionate creation and lots of self-expression. I’m crying as I’m writing this, because all I want for anyone who reads this is to feel as inspired and centered in themselves as I was while making this. It’s truly been such a healing experience for me and I feel lighter now.


Pulling this card as advice means you should do something to change your energy and get excited. It also means that an idea you just had is gold, and you should pursue it.

Journal prompt

  1. What inspires you? Is it art? A place? Music? A person? An activity?

  2. What do you do with inspiration? Do you create? Sing? Dance? Cry, like I do?

  3. What’s inspiring you right now?

  4. What kind of inspired action can you take right now or in the near future?




