
Channeled song: get well soon by Ariana Grande

 Healing is a bit of a buzzword these days, and for very good reason. There is a collective uptick and interest in healing and spirituality because a lot of us are coming to gain compassion for our past selves and realizing that certain things that have happened to us or that we have done were not okay.

The image in this card depicts the main character of the Undone Oracle Deck, Avelie, in a tank of water meant to heal her. I created this character to represent all of us who use this deck and some of the things we experience.

When you pull this card, the intention is to bring your awareness to things in your life that may need healing. Another reason for pulling this card is to assure you that you are healing and to celebrate your progress.


The truth is that you may never be or feel “completely healed,” because there is almost always going to be something to heal from. The goal here is not to fix every wound and become this static, perfect version of yourself. We are always growing as humans and this card is here to serve as a piece of acceptance for where you are now and respect for your body, soul, and mind for persevering no matter what.

Journal prompt

  1. Is there something that needs extra attention or healing right now? This can be an experience, an emotion, a physicality, etc.

  2. How can you show it compassion?




Trauma / Triggers