
No channeled song for this one 

Every failure that you have is a form of protection from a path that would have made you miserable, endangered you, or simply was not for you at all. It’s as simple as that. Our emotions definitely get in the way of that revelation and I am definitely guilty of screaming, crying, and throwing up over being rejected by things or people that likely would have made me miserable. I’m cool with that, because it was just a part of the journey.

The image depicts a little girl, staring up at this sign. But there’s a problem—her eyes are closed, and she’s too young to understand what the board is truly saying anyway. This young version of Avelie is meant to represent all of us who were once too young to recognize when a rejection was, in fact, protection from the Most High.


When you get this card in the advice position, it’s meant to help you cope with the fact that you did not experience a loss—it was actually contributing to a win that is coming soon. Chin up, pookie <3

Journal prompt

  1. Can you think of a time where you were deeply hurt by something not working out, but it turned out that you dodged a bullet? Or that you ran into a blessing in the aftermath?  

  2. What do you think was your biggest failure?

  3. How could that have benefited you?

  4. How can you adapt this “failure mindset” into your everyday life?

