
Channeled song: Valentine’s Day by Kehlani 

This card is all about your ability to pivot and adjust to whatever circumstances are being thrown your way. In this image, Avelie is pictured as a mermaid who is somewhere between being a mermaid and turning into a human. You’re not sure which she is becoming, and that was purposeful. She can become whatever she needs at the moment.

Adaptability is really important life advice, on all fronts: in romance, family, career, and just about any subject you can think about. Being quick on your toes and able to adjust to new circumstances is pivotal to becoming the best and most successful version of yourself.


When this card pops up in the advice portion, you’ll need to exercise your own adaptability skills. Something in your life is requiring you to switch up the flow. If you stay on your toes, you can make this situation benefit you.

Journal prompt

  1. When was a time that you needed to completely shift gears?

  2. How did that make you feel?

  3. Are you an adaptable person?

  4. Why or why not?

  5. How can you incorporate more adaptability into your everyday life?

  6. Is there any area of your life that needs a bit more adaptability right now?

  7. Why?

  8. And if so, how could it benefit you?



