
Channeled song: 7 rings by Ariana Grande

When you pull this card, it means your manifestations are here or just around the corner. It can also mean that there’s an idea that’s stuck in your head that you should focus on manifesting.

The act of manifestation is just calling upon what was already meant to happen for you. You just have to let God/the Universe/whatever you believe in know that you are ready.


How do you let the Universe know that you are ready for your blessings? You match the frequency of what you want. Say for example you want a nice, fancy penthouse apartment and the job to match it. Okay, so what does a version of yourself who lives in that penthouse do on a daily basis? Do they waste their time around people who only take from them? What kind of hobbies or activities are they into? What kind of content do they watch and what do they care about?

Simply put:

  • notice the good things about your day

  • write them down

  • before bed, visualize the next day and it going very well


I allow myself to recieve

I am in the process of recieving

I allow myself and my life to be in a good place

I earned this by being myself

I earned this by existing

Journal prompt

  1. What are you manifesting?

  2. Why do you want that?

  3. Are you ready for your manifestation to come to you or would you self-sabotage it? Be realistic.

  4. How can you match the frequency of your expected blessings?

  5. What would you do if you knew for a fact you’d get your manifestation? That you’ll always win in the end?

  6. What went well for you today?

  7. What’s going well for you in the future?

Link to my manifestation playlist on Apple Music:

Link to my manifestation playlist on Spotify:






